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Comets: [Telescopic comets, no naked eye]
- C/2022 E3 ( ZTF )
Observable in the NSW region after 5 Feb but very difficult until 9th Feb. The
finder chart below only begins at 9 Feb. before that, the comet
is very low altitude and near a bright nearly full Moon. Seiichi Yoshida's Comet Page for this comet.
Here is a finder chart. Click on it to get a much bigger image.

- C/2017 K2 ( PanSTARRS )
It is observable at 7.5-8 mag for many months into this year
FINDER CHART 10-12 February - next to the Small Magellanic Cloud. Click on it to get a much bigger image. Seiichi Yoshida's Comet Page for this comet.

- Comet Machholz 96P
Comet Machholz was first discovered
in 1986 then identified as a returning periodic comet in 1996 hence
it's 96P designation. It has a period of 5.29 years but it's
highly inclined orbit means that it usually approached and recedes from
the Sun along our twilight glow remaining invisible. On this
visit, it cis currently very bright but can only be observed by
orbiting solar observatories.
Video of the Perihelion passage of comet Machholz 96P from SOHO's Lasco C3 coronagraphic camera