Published Articles, Photos, & Media Appearances
- Astronomical Ambrosia - A week at Queensland Astrofest.
Feature written by Chris Cox, photos by Joe Cali; Australian Sky and Telescope, September/October 2022 issue.
- The day the World Looked Up - BBC Witness History Program. BBC podcast - 9 min.
- May 2021 Lunar Eclipse - Editors Choice on the Sky and Telescope Website and subsequently published in the printed magazine in August 2021.
- Eclipse 2020 in South America, written by Peter Anderson, photos by Joe Cali. Australian Sky and Telescope, Nov/Dec 2019 issue.
- "Chasing Totality from the Stratosphere" By Catalin Beldea & Joe Cali.
Braving the Australian Outback, an international amateur team launched a balloon to catch last November's solar
eclipse. Feature article first published in the international
edition of Sky and Telescope Magazine, October 2013, pp 66-71.
Available online only with digital subscription. Reprinted in
Australian Sky and Telescope, Nov/Dec issue pp 82-87.
- BBC morning radio: Live cross to describe live on air, the final minutes of the transit of Venus, 6th June, 2012
- "Waiting for the Shadow." Feature about Solar Eclipse Chasers and Chasing, Australian Geographic Society Journal. 2005, Apr-Jun, pp 86-99.
Article text only, none of my photo's or illustrations are available online on the Australian Geographic Website.
Photo's and illustrations used with the original printed article and more can be seen on this site in my 2002 Total Eclipse Report